Warning:Contains mixed languages and you might need a dictionary for this.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A week before exams.....

Mii,I have no idea what to do now.......maybe I should push myself harder to study.Kinda sucks when the exams last for about 3 weeks with breaks and gaps or whatever it is.Huh.....things are getting so sleazy......

To implement things up,if I flunked again this sem,only heaven knows what happen next......

Monday, October 11, 2010

Upcoming event this week:16th October 2010

Tiap kali ulang kaji subjek,x semestinya sepanjang masa.So,kena gak la amik break cikit.Hmm.....tension gak bila difikir kan?This week,I won't be going home coz' the LPPKP stuff.And the worst part,my birthday is this Saturday! (O_______O)Someone,help me for this one.

I hope he's not coming........really2 serious about it!And going to continue the 'Unlucky 16' manga series(going to be different characters this time ^_^ )

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Neverending sadness and pain......

Sometimes,life's like a wheel.Can go up and go down.But my current life is always going down........it's too painful to bear and carrying the responsibility is way too heavy.Now,what I want is to change it even if it's a bet of my life.I'm willing to do anything as long as I can achieve my ambition.The only blockade is my inner self rebel personality.She's pretty tough to understand.Neither Sakura,Kagura nor Kisa understands her well.She's always sitting far away from them.Probably she hated being nice or maybe she had problems like I did.

Alas,even I never understand myself anymore.I don't like being controlled like a puppet.This kind of feeling makes me want to fully rebel and ambush them back.Who cares?Face the wrath of my unending pain and sadness=DESPAIR.