Warning:Contains mixed languages and you might need a dictionary for this.

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's already end of the year.....

So many things happen in whole 2010, which revolves round my life.For example, I'm kinda broke up and got hurt deeply inside.I messed up my 2nd year being lazy and not caring(fortunately I was saved).

Luckily, I managed to pass my Precalculus except my Physical Chemistry(I flunked again ;_; )However, some of my friends didn't make it for the next semester(wish you guys good luck getting to another university!).I should struggle myself next year and maybe I need to spend less on JN Forums, Facebook and reading manga(nooooo I'm gonna miss Bleach and Naruto and Higurashi T_T )

I guess this is the end my 2010 life journey.....(wait a sec, I'm not finished yet!)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday blues......

Hauu......it's already 2 weeks after exams and I've went to Port Dickson for some vacation.But I can't leave my Noel-chan(the netbook I got from my dear oniisama ^_^ ).So,I bring her along while having fun at the seaside(which ended up being sore eyes from the sea water ;_; ).And then last Wednesday,me and my friends(Rie,Sagi and Dila) went to Times Square to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.It was fun and feels so good.

However,my complex personality causes my life gone upside down especially when Agito nearly appears when I was in bad mood.Sigh......apparently my gentle self slowly fades within time.......no,I won't let something like this happen!I've to control each of my 4 selves(not about the Horcruxes in Harry Potter,ok?).The worst part:My addiction to drawing+playing games=disaster! :o

My truly dear friends:

1.Rie-chan-always with my side(though we're from different places),no matter what happens.I'll keep our friendship til' the end!You're always advising me for good.

2.Sagi-chan-though there are unexpected events happened,you're still the best especially when it comes to anime and manga+Korean culture=awesomeness.

3.Nabila-sometimes can be serious when it comes to studying(which usually made me cry all the time and sulking),but you know when I was being sleazy.

4.Amirul-*laughs all over*Dunno,but this is the first time I've ever being humorous to boys.He tends to make everyone laughing with his funny antics.And when it comes to education,he's total serious =_=

My dearest boys:

1.Ulquiorra Cifer and Zaid-ugh,I can't believe there's a tie for first rank.But they're my........hauu.....

2.Kobayakawa Sena-frankly,he's my past life love(not that much............ :P Sakura:alah,tipu je lebih.ko yg malu2 bila orang sebut nama dia)

3.Kakei Shun-if I remembered,he's the only boy I've rarely mentioned.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kenangan lama yang mengimbau......

Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang telah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah

Lama x dengar lagu nie.....sebab biasanya time tgh rindukan kawan,mesti pasang lagu Kenangan Terindah nukilan Samsons.Huhu......I miss all my fwenz,Rie-chan,Sagi-chan and Lavender-san.Once this exam finished,we'll going to hang out together just like old times ^^

Teringat pulak pasal seseorang yg sepatutnya aku lupakan........aku nie kejap2 rindu kat dia,pada masa yg sama,aku bencikan dia.Huh......ramai yang suka nak satukan aku dgn Zaid.........aiya......Apa2 hal pun,aku kena stride for this final or chances I might not be able to continue on my program T_T

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A week before exams.....

Mii,I have no idea what to do now.......maybe I should push myself harder to study.Kinda sucks when the exams last for about 3 weeks with breaks and gaps or whatever it is.Huh.....things are getting so sleazy......

To implement things up,if I flunked again this sem,only heaven knows what happen next......

Monday, October 11, 2010

Upcoming event this week:16th October 2010

Tiap kali ulang kaji subjek,x semestinya sepanjang masa.So,kena gak la amik break cikit.Hmm.....tension gak bila difikir kan?This week,I won't be going home coz' the LPPKP stuff.And the worst part,my birthday is this Saturday! (O_______O)Someone,help me for this one.

I hope he's not coming........really2 serious about it!And going to continue the 'Unlucky 16' manga series(going to be different characters this time ^_^ )

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Neverending sadness and pain......

Sometimes,life's like a wheel.Can go up and go down.But my current life is always going down........it's too painful to bear and carrying the responsibility is way too heavy.Now,what I want is to change it even if it's a bet of my life.I'm willing to do anything as long as I can achieve my ambition.The only blockade is my inner self rebel personality.She's pretty tough to understand.Neither Sakura,Kagura nor Kisa understands her well.She's always sitting far away from them.Probably she hated being nice or maybe she had problems like I did.

Alas,even I never understand myself anymore.I don't like being controlled like a puppet.This kind of feeling makes me want to fully rebel and ambush them back.Who cares?Face the wrath of my unending pain and sadness=DESPAIR.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Total ru1ned w33k.......

Everything that happens in this week turned upside down lately....I hope it doesn't last long......

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Only three weeks before final exams.....

Huh.....it's already 3 months passed ever since I attend this semester....it feels rather awkward + strange........I kept wondering when I'm going to do revision?

Life sucks in a few times but I just can't do as I please.Maybe I should balance myself between entertainment and studies.(I hope it's not going to ruin everything,though.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Raya at Perak.....

Sabtu lepas,aku gie balik kampung kat Gopeng,Perak.Tak sangka dah ramai sepupu aku yg dah kawin dan anak diorang pun ramai.Penuh satu rumah pak cik aku....huhu......

Memang ramai saudara yg ada kat Perak......dan kekadang aku sendiri pun susah nak ingat semua.......hmm....at least dari x jumpa,elok tengok je kan?Hari Ahad baru balik KL.......fuuu.....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Manga debut:Unlucky 16

Sekarang nie tgh wat manga terbaru,Unlucky 16.This manga features my OC,Sakura with Bleach character,Ulquiorra Cifer pairing.Currently under construction.This image is the first chapter of the manga.Too bad I'm still drawing the manga in pencil ._. Someday I'll draw it in pen(I hope).

My life monologue.......again =_=

Huh......cuti mid-semester dah bermula.....tinggal beberapa hari lg sebelum raye......
Why there's always troubles coming through my life?Everything went upside down!

Aku x tau la apa jd time raya nanti......walaupun seronok je kat luar,tp hati sengsara kat dalam :(
Kekadang orang lain susah nak faham apa yg tersirat kat dalam hati aku nie.......biarla ia tersimpan saje........

Kalo korang rasa nak aku naik angin sepanjang masa,buat la.

Guess who's this person again.......heh.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another monologue of my life T_T

apabila kenangan lama muncul.......tercipta sebuah mimpi yg indah.
kadangkala x semua kenangan lama indah,adakala ia menyebabkan luka lama berdarah semula.
seperti apa yg berlaku setahun yg lepas........

people say it's hard to forget your first love,but I rather leave it and keep it inside my heart.
no matter what happens,if there are chances we can meet again,it could be destiny or disaster.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Broadband anyone?


teringin nak subscribe..... <3

Haven't write here for so long......

how long I've been writing?
it feels so lonely and heartbreaking coz' i never say how do i feel now......

it's already a year ever since I admire him......though he's taking the physics part(kena pindah kolej) while I'm with my biology.....still I can't completely forget him.

maybe I'm still in love with him?I can't guess it.

this semester is really challenging to me.....especially the bio part.got a male lecturer for this and uhh........it's hard to describe in words.

second,i lost my phone......wargghhh!!!!sedih siot!x sangka awal2 sem boleh jd camnie TT_TT

third,I fell in love with someone else......an
anime character .______.(Ulquiorra-san....... >////< )

I'll write here again when I'm completely have some shocking stuff(teehee ^^ )

Monday, March 29, 2010

Feskott(Festival Sukan Kolej Teknologi Timur)-1st time participating.

Ni la kali pertama masuk utk festival sukan utk kolej.Well,masuk kawad formasi disebabkan assignment kesatria tu sendiri pada awalnya.....And so,latihan bermula setiap petang dan malam.Memang letih sampai tido pun boleh terlajak nak gi kuliah(oh noes!)..........And then bila nak buat kostum pun disaster sebab ukur memula ok,lepas tu bagi kat org lain sebab x muat.....huhu.

Bila bermula acara tu,wargh!Panas tol hari tu..........sampai kat kaki leh terasa(sapa suruh pakai kasut hitam?).Then pakai la sunblock utk mengelakkan sunburn yg serius.Bila masuk turn kitorang,nyaris2 nak salah formasi(nasib komander warn dgn kawan sebelah aku tlg......).At least dpt la naib johan for the contest.......

But one thing for sure,dia pun ada kat depan aku time kawad(eleh sampai sebelah pun ada......huhu T_T )

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A new stuff appeared.....

Guess what I got during my mid semester break?A new phone for myself desu!Though I prefer the color aiiro(deep blue) than pink.But nevermind about it,I'm still like my phone.Though my Seira-chan(mp3 player) would come along with this,but I haven't name the phone yet.I promise that I would take good care of my phone.Kalo rosak sendiri mau ingat la ye,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Many things happened............

Huhu.......baru balik utk cuti mid semester,banyak benda jd.Dari gelang kesayangan aku putus,lepas tu handphone aku x nak jalan pulak........sedih tol la.

And yeah,hari ni keluar jalan2 dengan Leha and Masitah.Memula plan kul 11,tp lambat pulak.So,naik tren pun pukul 1 lebih.Tengok la citer Wolfman kat Times Square(huhu igt nak tgk citer lain tp byk sold out).Lepas habis tgk citer,shopping la sikit...........tp apa yg aku beli pun jam tangan,poskad dgn keychain(pic kat atas tu).Letih giler hari ni tp seronok gak sebab dpt jumpa kawan lama ^^

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hari yg paling sengal........dan lawak!

Kuliah start kul 11........and aku bawak aje barang yg patut utk punishment for the lose group........and then bila kuliah start......mulala kerja make up budak lelaki.......memula dua org je.......lepas tu lecturer tu suruhla semua budak lelaki dalam kelas tu disolek........(hahahahaha)

Belum habis lagi,aku kena lak make up bebudak tu......walaupun x makeup dia,tp dia memang cute yg teramat bila dia pakai bedak,blusher and lipstick(belum lagi dgn eyeliner dgn mascara).Dan aku tengok je la camner diorang posing cam perempuan........wakaka.......dahla makeup aku,terpaksala beli yg baru........huhu(tp seronok giler tgk diorang pakai xD )

Friday, January 22, 2010


Apparently I'm sick........and I got assignments to be done T_T
Hope it'll gone out sooner............

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Artwork by Kagura Hime.......

Guess what I'm drawing?Another mermaid princess!I'm just got some idea to create this and her name is Sakura,White Pearl Mermaid Princess.Took quite some time to done it.

I'm so happy today!

Guess what?I meet my bestie,Rie-chan and Sagi-chan desu!Yay!Finally we meet again......and then we took a train making rounds from Sentul to Ampang.Then we back to Bandar Tun Razak.Memula nak jalan2 kat area perumahan je tp dah lari daaa..........and I gave them the necklaces.They're really appreciate it.

I wonder if we can meet again........I'm always waiting,Rie-chan and Sagi-chan!Arigato for this meeting!When we achieved our goals,we will return............

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's even worse than this?

Yesterday,I got public speaking to do and I ended up really messy language(not really).Aku tak faham tol dgn diorang ni,lagi nak tanya birthday dia(wei agak2 la kalo nak tanya pun,macam la aku nak wish kat dia,bleh).So,gi beli barang harian je la lepas habis kuliah(kul 1 satu dah lepas dah)and makan kat KFC.

Second,for today,I can't even talk(or whatever it is).........maybe because of that..........and don't ask me why I put this pic(again).........

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things about love,studying and more.....

About him,well,I dunno if I want to say it's a coincidence or is really meant to.His results is nearly the same like me(what?!).I'm still remember what my room mate texted me:Love is the first step towards pain..n the pain teach us how to survive in this cruel world..so,ready to get hurt if u falling in love with someone..

I can't believe I'm still remember his birthday(argh!!)

Sometimez,I feel like I want to tell the truth to him.But sadly,I can't.I prefer to be alone all time......even in lectures,I like to sit quite far from my classmates.Huhu......it is painful but I'm still can't discuss problems with others.......

But,I'll keep trying to get along with my classmates.............I know I can do it.......c'mon,I'm already 18 ok?In October 2010,I'll be 19 eventually.

Shopping sakan at Alamanda(ye la tuu........)

Easy to say,aku gi Alamanda dgn kengkawan aku.And I bought some manga at MPH bookstore.Which is Zoology(Stanley G),Ubatku(Takamiya Satoru),Dunia Dicipta Dengan Gembira and Dunia Dicipta Dengan Penuh Gembira(both from Usami Maki).

Kalo korang tgk gambar tu,you can guess what it is.............hehe.Sebenarnya aku beli rantai tu kat kedai cd.Ingat nak bagi kat Rie,Sagi and Lavender.I think I should give Rie:L,Sagi:Light and Lavender:Kakashi.Ulquiorra:xleh!aq nak yg tu la............hehe.(ckp je la nak bagi kat dia!)

My new semester begins........

Hmm......all I can say is I'm still need time to adjust myself(maybe I haven't been with my friends quite a long time).I'd prefer to be alone all times.........too bad I need to repeat my Precalculus paper(oh noes!I'm totally hate Maths!!!!)

And yeah,I want to forget about him.......I'll explain to him when the time comes..........